
How to Stay Busy and Healthy At Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Ways to stay busy while you’re practicing social distancing and following CDC guidelines during the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put many Americans under stay at home orders. For some, that means working from home. For essential workers, it means altered work schedules, or even increased hours. We send our sincere support and gratitude for those who are on the front line of this health crisis. We are thankful for you!  For those who find themselves stuck indoors or with more time on their hands during this period of social distancing while following CDC guidelines, we’ve compiled a list of endeavors to keep you both healthy,  busy, and productive.

Keep a Clean Home Environment

Keeping your home clean during this pandemic goes hand in hand with keeping your household healthy and strong. For those essential visits to the grocery store or pharmacy, we might not be thinking of the dirt and germs we bring back home on our shoes and clothing. Diligently disinfecting high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, remotes, and light switches, and keeping your carpet and hardwood floors clean will help to reduce the risk of bringing the virus home and spreading the virus. It’s advisable to remove your shoes before you enter your home. Don’t walk through your house with your shoes on, rather leave them at the door or in a designated spot (such as a garage) as not to introduce the virus from a simple trip to the grocery store or a walk around the block. And of course, every time you come back home remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.

Home Maintenance

If you’re like us, you’ve been procrastinating and avoiding fixing and sprucing up things around your home.  If you’re stuck at home, there’s no time like the present. Small repairs and home projects you’ve been putting off can help make this time spent sheltering in place feel productive, and give you a real sense of accomplishment. It can also have real health benefits! 

If the weather outside is suitable, start your yard upkeep and begin cleaning up the exterior of your home. Getting fresh air outside, remaining productive while being sure to still follow social distancing recommendations is a healthy and rewarding way to utilize your time.

Virtual Learning and Communication

The internet is a great blessing during this time of isolation. Not only is there a wealth of knowledge available for free online, but we can also connect with loved ones instantly with the touch of a button. Take some time to research a new skill, learn a language, or just unwind with that movie or TV series you’ve been meaning to watch. Keeping entertained and in touch with friends and family can help you stay social and connected and reduce the feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression. Even if you can’t visit in person, thanks to technology, you can stay connected from a distance which is proven to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Stay Healthy &  Physically Active

Following general advice to keep yourself healthy, such as eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and managing stress are the best recommendation for staying healthy during quarantine or self-isolation.  For those who usually dine out, or can only have quick meals in between their busy schedule, time at home can be a perfect excuse to meal plan. Remember that eating a well-balanced diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant and animal proteins, and healthy fats is the most effective way to get all the essential nutrients your body needs to keep your immune system in tip-top shape and stay healthy.  Practice mindful eating and be sure to watch your portion sizes since there’s a tendency to eat more and be less active while we are self-isolating. 

Healthy adults should plan for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily; the recommendation for healthy children is at least one hour of daily exercise. Many of us rely on gyms and trainers for an exercise regimen. With gyms shuttered it can be challenging to find the motivation to work out and stay physically active while you’re stuck in your home. Luckily, there are both paid and free workout classes available online. Some of these services are pre-recorded, so you can access them at any time that is convenient for you during your “new” daily routine. 

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With over 40 years of experience, Classic Floor Designs provides hardwood floors, wool and nylon carpet, carpet, area rugs, leather, cork, exotics, and green flooring services to residential flooring, commercial flooring and government clients in the DC area.