Entries by Mitch Nydish

Make a Statement

An area rug grounds a room, creates a defined border, and provides for softness underfoot. While the role seems simple, the styling is key. Large neutral rugs create blank canvases to enhance boldly upholstered pieces of furniture, but the addition of a boldly chosen area rug as a statement piece truly changes a space. Graphic […]

Serene Spaces

Our homes serve as our refuge from the world. The busy world continues outside as we arrive home at the end of each hectic day. We cross the threshold, kick off our shoes, and prepare to unwind. Try these tips for building serenity and calm into your spaces: Color definitely affects our mindset. Soothing colors […]

The Luxe of Leather

Everyday, we get to make a statement about who we are with our wardrobe choices. But our home design choices also say something about who we are. If you want to make a bold statement, have you thought about leather floors? You surely wont be considered ordinary with gorgeous, rich leather flooring in your home! […]