
Home Office – How to Create a Productive Space

Home Office

Now that so many of us are working from home (WFH), more and more people are looking into how to create a dedicated, productive home office space. Aesthetics is an important factor, particularly as it relates to cleanliness and neatness, while other factors such as colors used and types of flooring, whether its hardwood floors and/or carpet play significant roles as well. A look at the long term is essential as you’ll likely spend a considerable amount of time in your home office.

Importance of Seclusion

If you have the flexibility, it’s important to have a workspace that’s set aside from any hustle and bustle that’s otherwise occurring in your home. If you’re able to have a closed door between you and others, take advantage of it. One of the most important factors in a person’s productivity is their ability to focus, so anything that you can do to help you focus is preferred.

With that said, make the best of your situation. If there’s no way to be in seclusion, which is the case for many, do your best to create your own bubble to keep things separated. Putting earphones in often helps as white noise or music can keep you focused while doing so also gives a visual indication that you shouldn’t be interrupted. Regardless of the setting of your home office, ensure that others know when it’s work time for you versus when you’re free to talk.

A Must Have: An Ergonomic Chair

If you take just one thing away from this article, it should be this: get an ergonomic chair. You’re probably going to be spending a considerable amount of time sitting at your desk, and you want your chair to be comfortable. An ergonomic chair will help to keep you from developing back, neck and other issues. Also look into securing an ergonomic desk.

Compactness Over Style

If your space is limited, keep in mind that compactness should be your focus over any style-related decisions. You must be able to enjoy mobility and have a chair, desk, and related items that allow you to easily access everything you need.

Personalize Your Home Office Space

Regardless of how much space you’re working with, personalize your area. That’s not only related to things such as which colors to use, but also items that help you feel productive and calm. Photographs of beautiful areas and your loved ones is a good option. Another is houseplants. Meanwhile, some like to have one or more inspirational quotes printed and visible while they work. Not only is physical comfort important, but so is emotional comfort.

Your view is important as well. If you have the option to, consider if you want to look out your window or if you believe that you’d be more efficient if you’re facing a wall instead. Also consider the effect of sunlight in your eyes or, if coming from behind you, on your screen. If you will be on many video conference calls, lighting is important. Additionally, remember to also take into account what’s in your background since others will be able to see that on your screen.

Importance of Tidiness

Ensuring that your work area is kept clean and tidy will help your productivity. That’s because having the visual of papers scattered around, empty cups sitting here and there and office supplies no longer being set up in an organized manner consciously or subconsciously affects our frame of mind and our ability to focus.

Home Office Layout

Your home office color palette for your office furniture as well as on your office walls and adjacent areas will help set the tone. You want to use colors that soothe and help you narrow your focus. If you cannot decide on which to use and are looking for inspiration, consider that blue has been viewed as a calming color that encourages productivity, green helps people work longer hours while remaining efficient, and yellow sparks optimism and creativity.

Avoid sensory overload, which often results when too many items, colors, or patterns are included in your workspace. It’s important that the colors of your office furniture blend with each other and with the walls and floor.

With regards to your flooring, consider whether you prefer hardwood floors, carpet, or a combination. Hardwood floors can provide the coloring that you’re looking for as well as be durable and safe. Conversely, maybe carpet or an area rug fits the vision that you have for your home office. Regardless of which you choose, ensure that you use flooring that’s durable and will last.

Contact Us

If you’d like assistance with your flooring, contact us! Our Classic Floor Designs flooring experts are happy to answer your questions and help you create the best workspace possible.