Five Signs It’s Time to Refinish Your Hardwood Floors

Hardwood flooring is a beautiful addition to any home and certainly adds a lot of value, but it’s no secret that its value decreases over time. Proper care and maintenance can extend the life of your hardwood floors, but how do know when the time has come to hire a professional to refinish your hardwood floors? Here are the top five signs to look for! 

Water damage 

Water is no friend to your hardwood floors. Quick spills in the kitchen or dining room are usually no big deal, but we’ve all had the problem of catching a leak or spill a little too late. For severe cases, such as a storm causing a large leak, a professional service should come in as soon as possible to attempt to save the wood from buckling or warping. A dark stain may be all that’s leftover for a less severe case. Nevertheless, whether it be extensive water damage or just a few stains, a full or partial refinishing is worth a look at.

Extensive scratches 

This is most common in homes with pets. Large dogs may seem like the most likely culprit, but smaller animals, like cats, can also damage your hardwood. Dragging furniture over your hardwood is another common way for scratches to appear. Most scratches only impact the stain and not the actual wood itself, making this strictly a cosmetic issue. Sanding and restaining may be all that’s required, but deeper or extensive scratches may call for a refinishing. 

Sun discoloration

Natural light is considered a desirable feature of a home, though your hardwood would disagree. Sun exposure can damage your hardwood flooring over time. Reapplying stain to discolored areas is only a temporary fix. Classic Floor Designs recommends a full refinish when the damage becomes too noticeable. 

Some boards are turning gray

You may be wondering why some of your hardwood is turning gray. As the polyurethane wears off, your hardwood absorbs water much more easily. Water dragged in by your shoes, spilled drinks, or even water from cleaning products during normal maintenance, all speed up this process. If not addressed, the wood will eventually turn black. Refinishing is the only way to fix this issue.

Change in style 

A refinish is a perfect opportunity to change the style of your flooring. If you have been pondering a change and have damage or discoloration, refinishing your hardwood floors kills two birds with one stone. Especially if you are putting your home on the market, a new style can be the perfect way to increase the value of your home to potential buyers.

Contact Us

Think it’s time to refinish your hardwood floors? Give us a call at (202) 872-9860 for a FREE consultation with one of our flooring experts! With over 40 years of experience, we are proud to be one of the most trusted names in flooring in the DC metropolitan area. Our team can help with your new construction, home improvement, restoration or maintenance project.